Saturday, October 11, 2008


Beloved Community, Fred Plumer cont.

How can churches of the future change and still stay true to their Christian roots?

Focus on experiential spirituality. Practices rather than expression. Expression requires conformity. Holy moments, touching on the wholeness of life. Celebrations of life: art, silence, singing, dancing, drumming. No more sermons, using ancient rituals of Christianity and other traditions. Active participations, ample opportunities for spontaneous joy. Clear teaching path with concrete steps. Jesus was foremost a teacher. Let Jesus be the teacher again-both internal and external path. Not oughts, but opportunities to experience the realm of God. Trusting the universe, forgiving lack of judgment and prejudice, developing compassion, seeing God in one another, learning to avoid fear and anxiety, bringing out the best in self, others, and community.

Leaders have to live the wholeness they are teaching and promoting.

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