Monday, August 07, 2006


Recent Reading

Recent Reading:


Theology in America; Excellent history of American Theology written by E. Brooks Holifield, one of the professors here at Candler.

The Temple Bombing; The true story of a hate crime during the 1950s against The Temple, a prominent Atlanta synagogue, after their rabbi spoke out in favor of civil rights. Written by Melissa Fay Greene the author of one of my favorite books of all time, Praying for Sheetrock.

The Mind of the South; My husband had to read this for a course in Southern History, and it is amazing how some of the characteristics of Southerners described by W.J. Cash in the 1940s can still be found in the deep rural South, even after 60 years.


The Believer (daypass required) A conversation with the scientist behind the Human Genome Project, who is also an unapologetic evangelical Christian who believes in miracles, the resurrection, and a personal God. His answers aren’t exactly what you might expect, and provide a possible third way for believers trapped in between the Creationists and the scientific argument for Atheism. While I found some logical problems with a few of his statements, I also found his arguments compelling and appreciated his distinction between what falls into the realm of science and what is in the realm of religion.

Apocalypse soon (daypass required) Salon’s take on the recent speculation by rapture enthusiasts that the situation in Lebanon is a clear sign of the imminent end times. Good background on the history of end-times and rapture theories for those who aren’t in the know. Certainly a short glancing blow but a good starting place for further research.

Blog Posts
What Happened to the Universalists? Discussion over at Boy in the Bands.

Same over at Live from Thessalonica

Discussions about How (Not) to Speak of God at Pomomusings, Jesus Creed, TallSkinnyKiwi, JonnyBaker, BradandGeo, and Existential Punk kept me up late reading about Derrida and deconstruction, and made me really want to read that book.

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