Sunday, August 21, 2005


Where the Rubber hits the Road

Maybe my fighting being an instinctive caregiver is making it more stressful
than it would be if I just gave in to it. I am torn between worldly advice"Well,
you have to take care of yourself first." and questions of "What would happen to
me if I gave all of myself to other people?"

So what would happen if I just said okay, my instincts are to care for others?
If I really quit worrying about what other people think or about getting taken
advantage of and screwed over, and just cared for people with everything I had,
trusting that I would be provided for, like the birds and the lilies of the
field, what would my life look like? Where would that lead? I can't even imagine
it. It fills me with great anxiety to play this game of pretend. Will I ever
have the guts to try it and find out?
Originally posted on old Call and Response-5/9/04

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